Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lees-McRae College

North Carolina Building

Here is a rendering showing the alterations that they desire for the staircase that leads up to the North Carolina Building, one of the first buildings on the Lees-McRae campus.

Below is a picture showing the current status of the project.

Lees-McRae College

Blue Ridge Wildlife Institute

Phase 2

Phase 1

Lees-McRae College

Stone Cottage Renovation

These are the final exterior renderings for the Lees-McRae Stone Cottage Renovation project. They are leaning towards this building being the new admissions office. Stay tuned for interior renderings.
Below is a picture of building before any work was started.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Lees-McRae College

Stone Cottage Restoration Project

Saturday, April 23, 2011

phase VII: Final Design

First Floor

Second Floor

Third Floor

Technical Drawings

professional practice_ assignment 3.0

For assignment 3.0 of the professional practice class we were formed into mock firms in conjunction with the 3rd years who also were divided into mock firms in order to enter into the Chicago Architecture Today Skyscraper Mock Firm Competition. I was a member of the Tertia Studio Inc. As the professional practice class our responsibilities were directed towards the business side of the design industry. I directed my attention towards graphics and marketing materials. We began by designing a company logo and then through out the duration of the assignment we created a set of graphic standards that ideally the firm would follow. These set of standards covered every aspect from color, logo, font, stationary, form templates, presentation templates, and even more. Below are a few pages from the 15-page Tertia Studio graphic standards.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

professional practice_ assignment 4.0

High Point Furniture Market
April 2011



For my second networking event I attended the High Point Furniture Market. More specifically I attended one of their educational events called "Marketing Yourself by Design". This event focused on the increasing interest in marketing yourself using different tools like a blog, twitter, and facebook. I received a lot of insight and knowledge about doing each of these approaches to better yourself and company. I also went to the Natuzzi showroom, a building that I have always dreamed of going inside. I absolutely love the design of the Natuzzi building. I was fortunate enough to receive a personal tour from Edgar Cabrera, an alum of the IARc department. Edgar was great to talk to and had a lot of advice for us graduating seniors. Edgar is truly an inspiration and I appreciate the wonderful experience he gave us.

Monday, April 4, 2011

professional practice_ research paper

I just completed a research paper on a very interesting topic in the design field. Technology and it's many advancements are truly amazing in their abilities and their rapid growth. For the topic of my paper I chose to focus my attention on the seven technology trends of design that have been designed by Autodesk. As a subgroup, Autodesk Labs creates all kinds of different software that they imagine could aid the design field in any way. Once they create initial versions of the software they then make them available to the public to download, mess around with, and then provide their personal feedback on what could be improved and what is not available. The seven different trends that they have defined include: Human Centered Design, Analog to Digital, Cloud Data and Search, Cloud Computing, Digital Reality, Digital to Analog, and Software as a Service.

Check out this link to find out more information for yourself.

Phase VI: third floor

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

IARc lounge _ mar. 29. 2011

closer and closer each and every day

Finally things are starting to come together. The shelving units and bench are now attached to the wall. Laura and I are done designing the laptop/food bar and it too has been installed.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

IARc lounge _ mar. 14. 2011

it's coming along, very quickly