Frank Lloyd Wright
He is a wonderful designer and architect. I absolutly love Frank Lloyd Wright's designs. He is my favorite designer. He is very famous for his Falling Water house and all of his Prairie style homes which are environmentally friendly. He always designed to complement the environment that the dwelling was to be housed. Just like with Falling Water he designed for the structure to be built over the creek. The materials of the building also were common materials found in the environment of that area.
Source: www.wikipedia.org
Vincent Wolf
He a great interior designer who has his own firm, Vincent Wolf Associates, inc. He designs both residential and commercial dwellings. Some of his major projects have been located in New York City and Florida. His designs are beautiful and well designed. His rooms actually look as if the client could live and function in the room. The color schemes always seem to work well with the environment that surrounds them. I would definitely love to have him design a room for me.
Source: www.thestylegroup.com

Orlando Diaz-Azcuy
He is an interior designer and architect who is from Cuba but now has a firm in San Francisco. He is more of a commercial designer with projects including the San Francisco War Memorial Opera House. His main advice for designers is that art work and different accessories give an interior character. I love the room in the picture above because of the white walls and the wood ceiling and the wooden beams. I think these two things complement each other well. I think his designs are very beautiful.
Source: www.forbes.com

Melinda Sechrist
She is an Interior designer who has also specialized in landscape architecture. She was a member of the American Society of Interior Designers and president of the chapter of Seattle. Her style of design is a cabin or mountain feeling. I really like this cabin look, especially since it is very common where I am from. The only thing that I do not like in the picture above is that the wood appears to be fake, which is very obvious. I think this room would have looked much better if the wood was real and natural. Melinda main goal while designing a room is to create everything in scale within the room.
Source: www.forbes.com

David Reed Weatherford
He is a interior designer whose work looks so elegant and expensive. His designs also have a slight modern look. I love looking around in rooms like this. Davis Weatherford has been quoted saying "Listen to the client for what he says but also what he doesn't say" (Weatherford www.forbes.com). I think this is an important quote because it shows others that you can go beyond the limit. You don't have to included just the things that the client insists but you challenge the things that they did not mention.
Source: www.forbes.com
Vincent Van Duysen
He is a designer that is capable of designing both the exterior of the buildings and the interiors. He designs residential, retail, offices, and different products. I would have to admit that I do not like his work because it is too simple and plain. I don't think anyone could really live and function in rooms and houses like this. Most people do not like completely stark white rooms. His designs look very expensive but something that anyone could complete.
Source: www.vincentvanduysen.com

Michelle Kaufmann
She designs for both the exterior and the interior. Her main goal is to create dwellings that are environmentally friendly. This is why she designs the exterior also. I personally like her designs and her intentions to better the environment. She designs specifically for the location that the dwelling is supposed to be located. The house in the picture above is meant to be located in a urban setting. It is designed for the environment of the urban setting. I love the use of windows that she uses because this helps with the lighting issue in houses. I think she is good designers with good intentions.
Source: www.mkd-arc.com/homes/mksolaire/

Tina Manis
She is an architect for her own firm, Tina Manis Associates. Her firm is based out of New York where she concentrates on residential architectural and not so much on industrial work. She said that she likes to design in a more general way instead of the male rules that we all know. With this being said she does not necessarily have a feminine style instead hers is just a everyday thing. She also stated that she does not let her design be dominated by a certain material but instead she designs from the material.
Source: archrecord.construction.com

Ken Isaacs
Ken Isaacs has said "I was always a builder. I would save my money and buy lumber and metal and actually build these projects like the Living Structures. And when you build things, it changes you. You're not just commenting intellectually on something, you're actually putting your energy on the line." I found this interesting about him because I would be the same way. I like to make things for myself so I can say that I did that. Although I find him talented I do not think the Cubes as living spaces are not functionally proper. The picture look like a play set that would be found on a playground. He is innovative and he does think outside the box but in a way that might not be functional. Ken Isaacs believes that the design world needs to take more advantage of the environment and design around it instead of designing for the needs of those around us. I cannot fully agree with this because I think that we do need to design for our needs. We would all be better off if we designed in a more environmentally friendly way.
Source: www.dwell.com

Diane Burn
She has been quoted saying “Imagination is huge for me. All of my interiors make you feel transported to another era.” This would definitely be true because her style almost reminds me of a Victorian style I believe that her designs and ideas are beautiful but are not something that I would choose for myself. Her style is very exotic and glamorous and would probably appeal to the wealthy. One reason I would not choose her style is because of the crowded and cluttered look that she incorporates into her design. If some of the items were removed from the space then I think it would be more welcoming. I do find the colors, furniture, and accessories all to be beautiful.
Source: www.architecturaldigest.com
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