Community Strip : upon entry Residential Hallway The space is arranged to on a grid system that uses the columns to define the spaces. Upon entering the space there is community strip that creates a single datum line running through the center. The community space contains a food area for quick pickup and a mail center to provide the people their needs in a fast pace. At the other end of the community space is a central staircase leading up to the roof where individual gardens are provided.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Aqueous Mobility
Water Aiding Mobile Liberation a place to bathe
Inspiration for this project was the Japanese bathing rituals, which in ancient times would be done at the base of a natural waterfall. In this situation the waterfall has the hierarchy. So for these disabled people I decided that they should have the hierarchy over the water causing changes upon it. The Japanese in present time enjoy individual baths within their home. The water temperature is hot to a point that the individual is able to manage. An important aspect of the Japanese bathing ritual is that the bath is for spiritual and mental cleansing only. Before entering the bath one physically cleans themselves in a different body of water.
This spa is a daytime spa, taking advantage of the natural sunlight as the lighting source and the elevation at which it sits. It can be found embedded into a mountain overlooking many surrounding mountains. This place to bathe and cleanse oneself mentally and physically caters to disabled people who are wheelchair bound. It serves those who feel they are hindered from moving and living freely and normal. This spa is designed to provide the freedom of movement that people in wheelchairs typically don’t’ get to enjoy. The idea of movement is suggested through the fluidity of water. With the assistance of the water the people are capable of engaging the moving water and then causing a change in the waters movement, in turn providing themselves with movement that they have not had the opportunity for.
Reflected Ceiling Plan
A person would arrive and check in at the front desk and then they would proceed to one of the two changing areas. Here they would change their attire and switch into a waterproof, spa owned, reclining wheelchair. Upon exiting the changing room they would then make their way up the ramp and onto the upper level of the space. In order to enter into one of the individual pools they would have to first pass under the falling water. This symbolizes as physically cleansing the body before entering the relaxation pool. After passing under the water they would roll onto the lifted platform, on the pool, and then be lowered into the body of water. The lowering of the lift would cause water to overflow the front end of the pool and flow out of the space creating a waterfall down the mountain. While in the pool water would continuously be overflowing because the water that they passed under is dispersed to each of the three pools. Each person would have a thirty-minute session enjoying the personal view and the warm water. At the end of the session the platform would lift them out and they would roll back down the ramp and into the changing room where they would retrieve their items. Materials found in the space are representative of the natural materials found in nature and around the scene of a waterfall. Materials included are wood, concrete, stone, glass and water.
Recycling is a big issue today because either not enough people do it of those who do don’t recycle the right things. How hard of a task is it for someone to place something in a recycling bin instead of a trashcan. There is not much of a difference in the energy that your body would be saving by doing this. The slogan or punch line of the poster, “it’s the least you can do”, is intended to be harsh while helping someone to realize that it is such a simple task. With the small gesture of recycling we the people of this world can repair the fatal problems that we ourselves have caused. When researching and analyzing many WPA posters from the past I came to the conclusion that color, text, and a main image is what really helped to get the message across that the Works Progress Administration was trying to convey. A central focus point was what sold these messages. In my composition I chose to highlight various recyclables that can be found in trash mounds. This is to represent that these certain products should not be found here; they should be recycled and reused. Within my inspirations the range of color choices was minimal. A couple of colors would be found in the image and then select colors could be found in the text or somewhere else in the composition to create something that is holistic and unified. To portray the context of a landfill or dump I used colors that were depressing and down. Through this color choice the use of high contrast allows the recyclable items at the bottom of the composition to speak their message on their own. Something that I found in most WPA posters was that a title and main statement was located at the top or bottom, and then opposing it was an image conveying the message. I chose to locate my text at the top of the composition so that the message of the issue is strong and to the point.
This is an ad that I created for my dining table showing an image of my model and two line drawings of the design. I over sized the image of the model so that it became the focal point, the main aspect selling the design. The strip running horizontally through the composition reflects glass, which is the context of the table. The space designed for the table had large solid glass walls surrounding the table.