I enjoyed this assignment because it created something different. It was a little easier drawing myself than someone else. The white areas that are shaded are the areas where the light was hitting my face.
This was my first try and quite a failure. This was when I was experimenting with the sizes of the mat board.
This was my first iteration for this project. I feel that I improved the final product a great deal.
This was the second iteration. I tried giving the appearance a smoother look. Tommy pointed out that the smooth look of the vertical section was not harmonious with the other sharp edges.
The assignment was to design a container or box for pencils. One aspect of the project was not only to create a box for the pencils but to construct it as neatly as possible. I chose to design for what we know to be the primary and secondary colors out of a set of colored pencils. I really enjoyed this project.
Monday, September 17, 2007
The drawing on the top is of my sister and the bottom one is of my mother. I really enjoy doing this type of drawing because all the proportions turn out right.
This was my very first iteration for the egg project. The egg was meant to sit on the top in the smaller pyramid.
This was one of the later iterations where I was trying a new idea and material.
This was one of the last few iterations that I had. The egg was meant to have the stick straight through the egg and sitting right in the middle of the circle.
Once agian this was one of the last few iterations where the egg is supposed to sit in the middle of the circle with the stick piercing the egg. The stick is there to help show the symmetry of the egg in one direction and not in the other.
The description for this specific assignment was to design a place for an egg, that celebrates a quality of the egg, using only paper. The paper aspect created quite a challenge. We were not allowed to use any adhesives. The quality that I chose to celebrate was that geometry of the egg, showing off the symmetry.
In class on Thursday we were told to do a negative space drawing of a bicycle. This was very difficult because of all the spokes. I personally enjoy doing negative space drawings because they actually turn out to look like the object being drawn than if you were trying to focus on the shape and lines of the object.
This is the second contour drawing that I did while sitting in front of the Education building facing College Ave. I like this one better than my first one.